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Easy Self-Care Doodles for Your Planner

by Guest Blogger 08 Mar 2021 0 Comments

Hey friends, it’s Missy Briggs again from @missybriggs on Instagram. Today, I'm here to share simple-to-draw self-care doodles. It’s so important for your mental health to take time to recharge and check in. If you take a few minutes to set up this page, it can serve as a reminder to prioritize self-care. The example will show a weekly self-care menu, but you can easily make this a monthly page and track progress.

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Instructions for drawing self-care doodles:

Doodles can seem overwhelming if you aren’t confident with drawing skills. I'll include a free printable below to get you started. Try to think of simple emojis and everyday objects that can serve as an icon for your menu. The key is to stick to simple forms and stay away from anything you aren’t comfortable drawing. Let’s get started!

1. Draw doodles with a pencil

Download and print my doodle page with step-by-step instruction. Make sure you draw your doodles in pencil first so you can easily fix errors and erase extra marks.

2. Add day counter under each self-care doodle

To create a menu page, create a day counter under each self-care doodle. You can track with seven-day counter or a full month with up to 31 days marked off. I like to use boxes because it’s easy to mark with the dot grid journal, but you can make bubbles or add your own x’s dashes, or stickers underneath.



3. Ink over self-care illustrations with pen

After you’ve drawn all the self-case doodles in pencil, go back and trace over it with a fineliner pen.


4. Erase pencil lines from the doodle art

Wait a few minutes for the ink on your fineliner pen to completely dry and then erase all the pencil marks with a plastic eraser. I love the Sakura Sumo Grip Eraser.

Doodle image, erase the pencil marks

I would love to see the self-care menu that you create. Both with my doodles or using your own! Reach out and say hi or tag me on Instagram @missybriggs.

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