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Using Your Bullet Journal For Self Care + Free Self Care Tracker Printable

by Nabaa Afridi 26 Sep 2019 1 comment

Hello again! Nabaa here from @whimsical.doodles here. It's that time of the year where life tends to get a little busier than usual. With upcoming holidays, a huge life change and an even bigger move, it has been an overwhelming couple of months for me personally!

This brings me to today’s blog post topic - self-care.

archer and olive

As someone who deals with anxiety issues on an everyday basis, I know how important taking time off just for yourself can be. It’s so important to take the steps necessary to look after your physical and mental wellbeing.

The act of self-care is essential not just for yourself, but also helps how you relate to others around you.

If you’re not taking care of yourself, how do you expect to take care of anyone else? 

Self-care doesn't necessarily have to mean big gestures or take a lot of time and effort. Simple, consistent habits that allow us time to ourselves can have a tremendous effect on our daily lives. 

This is where my bullet journal comes in! An effective way to prioritize self-care is to track it. Tracking your self-care activities and how often you to them can have several great benefits:


1. A sense of accomplishment 

Who doesn’t love that feeling you get when you tick something off your list? When that something is an act of self-care, you get twice the sense of accomplishment!

Everyone has days where things don't go to plan or maybe hasn't been as productive as you would have hoped. But tracking your progress allows you to see the bigger picture and focus on days where you do things for yourself!

It can be pretty easy to go on ourselves, but often we are doing better than we think we are! Remember - progress over perfection!

Mood Tracker Self Care

Self Care Tracker Created by @boho.berry


2. Forming consistent self-care habits

Let’s face it: self-care can be hard. Maybe you don’t always have the time or you don’t feel like you’ve earned it. Tracking your self-care helps make this a little easier. Tracking enforces the routine which in turn results in a new habit formed - one that improves your life for the better!

Self Care Tracker Bullet Journal

Self Care Habit Tracker Created by @hourglassplanners


3. What works for you

As with all things in life, one size does not fit all. Tracking your self-care can help you figure out what works for you and what doesn't.

Whether you track daily, weekly, or monthly, tracking your self-care gives you an honest view of what you’re doing to take care of yourself and whether or not it works. Take the time to really understand what you enjoy most, what you don’t and why? Reflect on customizing your self-care routine to include what works best for you 

Self Care Bullet Journal

Self Care Tracker Created by @planforproductivity


archer and olive review


How do I track self-care? 

Tracking self-care should be based on what works best for you. I switch up between my own trackers in my journal and easy to use printables depending on how busy my week is. Some people find a digital system works best for them but I love the feeling of checking off lists on paper!

If you find yourself looking for self-care tracker printable, look no further! I've put together a bunch of easy to use trackers for you to download and use. Click here to download my free self-care printable tracker!

Self-Care Tracker Printable

I hope this has been a helpful read and that you enjoy using your self-care trackers! 

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1 comment

28 Apr 2021 Ira Joy Sebastian

Good day. I absolutely like this tracker and I’m pretty sure it’ll help me a lot. Hope I can get this one. Thanks

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