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10+ Fitness Bullet Journal Spread Ideas For Your Body, Mind and Soul!

by Design Team 09 Oct 2021 0 Comments

Hey-lo! Marsha here from Do You Salut! Today we’re exploring fitness spreads. Most people think about fitness as just the physical body but I like to think of fitness as mind, body, and soul. Using your bullet journal is a great way to make sure you stay on track. Let’s dive in! 

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30 Day Fitness Challenge

30 days of fitness

Month long challenges are a great way to get fit. You can do a particular activity each day or aim to do one type of activity once a day. For example, dancing every day for 30 days. Another example can be 10,000 steps every day for a month. My job has a yearly walking challenge where you have to do whatever number of steps to get to a particular location. One year we did the amount of steps if you were walking from Dublin to Rome. 

Water Challenge 

water tracker spread

Hydration is very important for health and fitness. Did you know that we are made up of about 60% of water? Having a water tracker or participating in a hydration challenge is a good idea. Your water tracker can be as simple as a section in your regular spreads or it can have it’s own page or be a part of your habit tracker page. 

Meal Plan

meal planner

Have you heard of the quote, “ You are what you eat.” or Let food be thy medicine? Having a meal plan tracker or template is a great way to help keep on track of your health. Check out my “Eat the Rainbow” blog post to get ideas on what kind of fruits and vegetables you can add to your meal plans. 

Yoga/Running/Gym/Physical activity Tracker 

 yoga tracker

If you are into a particular physical activity like yoga, weight training, dancing or swimming, having a tracker that focuses primarily on that activity can also be helpful. My fellow design team member Erin, created a blog post that has a circled template for healthy habit tracking. Be sure to check it out! 



I think as a society we underestimate the importance of sleep for our fitness and health. It is sooo important. Having a sleep tracker can be a good way to see if you are giving your body enough rest. If you find you have trouble sleeping you can check out my “Wind Down Routine” blog post on ways to help you get better sleep. 

Measurement Tracker

Some people like to keep track of their physical measurements like weight, waist, pounds lost, etc. Fellow team member Hayley created a blog post that a lovely  measurement tracker spread. Be sure to check it out. 


Mind and Soul 

Gratitude Log/ One Line a Day/ Today I Noticed:

gratitude log

We often focus on the things that are going wrong. Having a gratitude log is one way that can help us keep positive. I also like to have a One Line A Day or Today I Noticed spread. Sometimes I feel like a gratitude log can be repetitive. I’m grateful for my health, family, friends, opportunities given to me, etc. One line a day or Today I Noticed helps force me to think and dig deeper. I find myself more reflective and thoughtful when using those two prompts. 

Therapy Summary:

post therapy tracker

If you go to therapy your sessions might be intense and you might have lots of feelings and emotions to process. Having a therapy summary spread is a great way to process those feelings. It’s also a great place to write down thoughts and things that come up before your next appointment. 

Rainy Day Self-care Checklist:

In true Capricorn fashion I always love to have a plan. I may not actually follow it, but knowing that it is there helps reduce my anxiety. In therapy we discussed creating a “Rainy” day Toolbox or Self-care Checklist.  This is pretty much a list of things that make me feel good or a plan of action when my depression and/or my anxiety gets the best out of me. Some things in my toolbox are: 

  • Feel good playlist
  • Aromatherapy 
  • List of affirmations
  • Journal/writing prompts 
  • Going for a walk 
  • Phone a friend 
  • Watch something familiar/ nostalgic (my go-tos are Degrassi, The Vampire Diaries series, 500 days of Summer, Rick and Morty, etc) 

rainy day checklist

Languages of Love: 

love language

Have you heard the 5 languages of love?  This is a book written by Dr. Gary Chapman 

According to the author people receive and give love in different ways: 

  • Physical touch
  • Gifts
  • Acts of Service 
  • Words of Affirmation
  • Quality Time

I find it helpful to understand the way I give and receive self-love. I try my best to give myself love in the 5 different languages. For example, for touch I use a weighted blanket. For quality time, I used to go to the movies by myself, now I grab my thermos full of tea and have some in a local park. 

Do you know your love language? Check out this article for more information. 

Here is a printable for your Rainy Day Checklist and Self-Love Language spread! 

free printable

Hope you enjoyed these fitness spreads and remember that fitness and health are more than being tied to a number. You need to look at your mind, body, and soul! If you recreate any of these spreads don’t forget to tag me at @doyousalut or tag for a chance to be featured in our community page. 


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