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50+ Ideas For Your Empty Notebooks And Blank Journals!

by Hayley Remde 14 Feb 2021 8 Comments

Hey! It’s Hayley here (@hayleyremdeart on Instagram), and today I want to give you as many ideas as possible for all those journals you’ve been hoarding. Don’t try to deny it, I can almost see those empty journals on your shelf over there and they need some love! I actually once read somewhere that buying journaling supplies and actually using them are two completely different hobbies, and I have to say I definitely agree. No matter how many notebooks I already have, when I see a pretty journal I can’t resist, and then I just never get around to using them! Lately I decided I wanted to start filling some of them up, so keep reading to find out all the ideas I’ve come up with.

 50+ Ideas

Essentials For ALL These Ideas:

  • Archer and Olive Journal – As always, it will be no surprise to you that this is my pick. The lovely and thick pages have no bleeding or ghosting, so you get a clean start for every project spread! Also, it means you can decorate the spread without worrying about it.
  • Pencil – To carefully plan out your ideas so you can make sure your spread has everything you need.
  • Fineliners – My favourites are the Unipin fineliners as they’re waterproof, affordable and have a strong nib.
  • Decorative Touch (optional) - This could be anything from washi to acrylographs, or of course, nothing! I usually like to add a personal touch to my spreads so they’re more fun to use and look at!
Remember, you can now even use my affiliate code HAYLEY10 to save money at!! But anyway, lets jump straight into those ideas...


1 – Bullet Journaling

The best tool to keep organised!


2 – Reading Journal

Track all your books, reviews, pages read and more!


3 – Lettering Practise

Time to make it muscle memory!


4 – Diary

Daily journaling has so many benefits!


5 – Work Journal

It’s can be good to keep your work separate from your personal life!


6 – Health Journal

Track your physical and mental wellbeing!


7 – Memory Journal

Something so amazing to look back on in years to come.


8 – Junk Journal

Anything goes!


9 – Painting Journal

Watercolour, acrylic, gouache – have some fun painting in one place!


10 – Language Journal

A place to help you learn and keep track of your progress as you study a new language!


finance journal


11 – Ideas Journal

Brainstorm new ideas in one place!


12 – Travel Journal

Keep track of your holidays and memories!


13 – Doodle Journal

Doodling can be so relaxing, why not give it a try!


14 – Book Notes

Writing your own book? Keep track of it in it’s own dedicated journal.


15 – Recipe Journal

Are you an avid cook or baker? Your recipes deserve their own place!


16 – Goal Planning

We can easily lose track of our goals if we don’t make note and track them!


17 – Inspirational Quotes

Make note and remember your favourite quotes. This can also pair as lettering practice too!


18 – Funny Moments

Write down those funny things that happen in life. I especially love people documenting the funny things their kids say!!


19 – Lists, List and Lists

We all need to make a good list – so why not have a journal dedicated to them?


20 – Movie and TV Shows

Track your consumption and rate them as you go!


goal planning


21 – Finance Journal

Sometimes you need to write it out to see where you can save!


22 – Practice Journal

A journal that is meant to be messy so you can trial spreads going in other journals or practice a new skill!


23 – Dream Journal

Do you forget your dreams – make a journal to write them down so you can remember them!


24 – Knitting Journal

Keep track of patterns and projects.


25 – Small Business Journal

Keep track of finances, orders, product ideas and more!


26 – Social Media Journal

Do you work within social media? Keep track of engagement and content ideas in one place!


27 – Plein Air Notebook

Get outside and draw or paint some of the things you see along the way!


28 – Swatch Notebook

Do you have a large collection of art supplies? Swatch and compare them all in one journal!


29 – When Did I Last?

There’s always something we should be doing around the house. Easily track your cleaning, chores and more.


30 – Plant Journal

Track your collection and make sure you never under or over-water again!


Small business journal


31 – Astrology/Horoscope Journal

Keep track of moon phases, tarot readings and more.


32 – Wedding Planning

There is so much to plan for a wedding… I think it would definitely fill its own journal!!


33 – Spiritual Journaling

If you’re spiritual, have a place for your quote, prayers and more.


34 – Review Journal

Is there something you love to collect? Keep note and review each new item in its own place. For example, candles, paints or wine.


35 – Bucket Lists

Keep track of your goals and write down your experiences of achieving them!


36 – Scrapbooking Journal

Make gorgeous pages by sticking in all your favourite things into one place.


37 – Creative Writing Notebook

Perfect if you like to write short stories!


38 – Gratitude Journal

Make note each day of something you’re grateful for.


39 – Affirmation Notebook

Something rewarding to do each day – and lovely to look back on!


40 – Study Notes

Are you studying at school, university or taking a new course? Keep all your notes in one place.


School Journal


41 – Pen Pal Notebook

Keep track of your pen pals, letters and addresses!


42 – Pregnancy Journal

Cravings? Symptoms? Feelings? Keep track of it all – it will be so amazing to look back on.


43 – Baby Journal

Following on from that, track your baby’s first years of life!


44 – Project Notebook

Are you working on something big right now? Plan it all out and keep on track!


45 – Self-Care Notebook

Self-care is so important. Keep ideas for what you can do to treat yourself!


46 – Things To Do

Do you feel like you’re wasting time because you don’t know what to do? Make lists of things to do when you’re bored, angry, sad etc.


47 – One Word/Sentence A Day

Make note of one thing every day!


48 – Event Planning

Always plan ahead for parties...


49 – Holiday Planning

... and holidays too!


50 – Music Notebook

Do you listen to a lot of music? Make note of your favourite bands, songs, playlists and more!


Things to do journal


51 – Happiness Journal

Fill it with all things that make you happy what could be better!?


52 – Collection Journal

Keep track of your stickers, stamps, washi and more by putting a sample of each into its own journal.


53 – Favourites Notebook

Fill a journal with all your favourite things!


Printable preview

Phew! Well I hope I’ve given you some help and inspiration on how to fill those empty journals you’ve been hoarding. If I have, I would love to know, so tag me on Instagram (@hayleyremdeart) and use #hayleyremdeinspired to get the chance to get your creations featured in my stories!

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30 Jan 2023 Prisha

amazing ideas!

30 Jan 2023 samsghfshd

looks so cool but whenevr i start a new journal i get bored of it and LEAVE THE WHOLE THING.

30 Jan 2023 einboo_

I love these ideas! Maybe i will make all of them in one 🤔🤔

24 Oct 2022 Chloe

It’s good, but mostly when I have these ideas, they get boring really fast. Got any ideas for a long lasting journal?

08 Aug 2022 Isabel

I LOVE ArcherOlive because it can give me so many ideas for all my empty notebooks!

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