Bullet Journal For Productivity: How To Use Color Coded Monthly Logs
The kids are back in school, we’ve got sports, Girl Scouts, work meetings, and more to keep track of. So, how do we keep it all together?
Today, I am going to show you how to use your future log and a monthly calendar spread in your bullet journal to get yourself in a productive mood. Here’s how we are going to do this.
Supplies for Monthly Log:
A5 Archer & Olive Dot Grid notebook
Pen or pencil
Highlighter or light color brush pen
Combining With Future Log
First, let’s get your dates into your future log.
Your future log is where all of your dates and events should go first. In most cases, your future log will already house many upcoming events, dates, and tasks, But if you are just getting started in your journal, or have new things to add, this is a great time to get into the habit.
Color Coding and Themes
Once your dates are all in, think about the themes of the events. Themes could be done by child or person, type of event, or activity. You can get as high level or granular as you need. You can even make a key for yourself to remember.
Setting Up Your Monthly Log
Next, create your monthly log. In one of my last blog posts I mentioned different styles of monthly logs. I find that for these types of color-coded approaches, the calendar style works best.
Fill in your events on the days they take place. Pulling from your future log, add specific details, name, place, time. Then, add your color. This will help you easily identify themes and event types.
Now that you have your monthly log filled in and color codes, you can pull from here each week as you set up your daily or weekly logs. Continue using the color coding you set up to identify the event. You can add more themes and colors as you work in your bullet journal.
Plan With Me
For more information check out my video where I talk you through the entire process!
And last but not least, make sure to get the free printable here:
Happy planning!