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Creating Bold Illustrations With The Acrylograph Pens

by Hayley Remde 04 Aug 2020 0 Comments

Acrylograph pens

Hey! It’s @hayleyremdeart here, and today I want to talk about how amazing the Acrylograph pens are in the Kraft notebooks. When I first received the pens, the first thing I had to do was see how they worked on different types of paper, and I was blown away! It’s definitely inspired me to create more in my Kraft and Blackout notebooks! If you want some inspiration, keep on reading!


Recommended Supplies:

  • Kraft Journal – As always, it will be no surprise to you that my pick is the Archer and Olive Journal. The lovely and thick pages have no bleeding or ghosting, so you get a clean start for every project spread! Also, it means you can decorate the spread without worrying about it.
  • Acrylograph PensA truly unique new product by Archer and Olive.
  • Pencil – To carefully plan out your ideas so you can make sure your spread has everything you need.




First of all, just take a look how AMAZING these pens are on the Kraft paper. They stand out extremely well and I feel like the colour of the kraft paper really complements the colours of the pens. When I saw this combo I really wanted to create, so I decided to start with some simple and bold patterns.

Finished page

This is what I ended up creating! If you want to give this pattern a try, here’s a short tutorial:


Plan Out

Pencilled in plan

First of all, you’re going to want to pencil in the spacing for each box. I personally left a little space for the header, but if you just want the patterns shift the dimensions down one square and it will still fit perfectly. All the boxes are 6x6 squares and are 2 squares apart.



Background coloured in

For the squares, I picked three colours I personally liked the look of together. I went for the purple from the Primary collection, and the light blue and teal from the Tropical collection. The best size for this task is the 3mm Acrylographs as they cover a large area much quicker. When colouring in the sections, I made sure the orthogonally adjacent squares did not match in colour.



Finished patterns
To finish it off, I added small floral patterns with the 0.7mm black Acrylograph pen from the Primary collection. However, you could add any pattern you like!



Here’s a video of how this page came together:


Anyway, I hope I’ve given you some help and inspiration on creating some illustrations with the new Acrylograph pens by Archer and Olive, If I have, I would love to know, so tag me on Instagram (@hayleyremdeart) and use #hayleyremdeinspired to get the chance to get your creations featured in my stories!

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