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How To Set Up Journal For All Your To Do Lists

by Content Team 28 Aug 2022 0 Comments

Hey! I’m Chloe from @bulletjournalbychloe and welcome back to another blog with me! Do you have to do lists laying around on scrap paper? Well that used to be me until I started using a to do list journal! I am going to show you how easy it is to get this journal set up and how you can use it daily, weekly or monthly. 

Use can use my affiliate code bujochloe10 to save 10% off your purchase 


  • Archer & Olive journal I’m using the traveller size and this is perfect for lists
  • Journal cover (optional) again I’m using the one from the sub box that matches my traveller journal 
  • Fine liners or black pen for details 
  • Washi tapes (optional) for added design 
  • Ruler to keep those lines straight 
  • Calliographs so we can make the spread colourful   
  • Sticker (optional) I use the archer and Olive colouring stickers 

Okay… go grab your supplies and let’s start creating!

Theme or no theme

jury cover page

I decided to match the theme of my Bujo. This is optional, you don’t even need a theme. You may want to choose a different theme each day or week. It’s completely up to you. I decided to create a cover page too for that particular month, again this is optional. 

Daily to do lists  

daily to do lists

I like to decorate each page. I went with a floral theme here, using the archer and olive colouring in stickers. These stickers help to keep these pages quick and simple whilst still looking fun. Depending on how much I need to get done will depend on how much space I decorate. For this day I went with a full page although I didn’t really need that much space. I can use the bottom half for the next day if needed. I simply write down all the things I want to get done and tick them as I go, simple :) 

Weekly to do pages 

weekly to do pages

The great thing about having a journal just for to do lists, you can look back at all the jobs you didn’t get done and move them over. You can write out a weekly to-do list rather than daily ones too. It’s completely up to you how to organise it.



daily and weekly to do list spread

As you have already seen, the beauty is that it can be completely customised to how you want it. You may want a to do list for holiday, or a shopping list. The different ways you can use this to do list journal is endless and it’s all in one place. You can choose how much space you want each to do list to take up and keep them all organised in one space. I like to use the journal cover space to store any other loose paper that might be useful for working through to do lists. 

journal in leather cover

Well now you are ready to get stuff done! Get planned and enjoy :)



Want to see more? Check out this video where I show you how I created these two spreads 


Finally, make sure you grab your free printable as a guide or to print out for your journal:

free to do list printable

I hope you enjoyed this blog! Make sure to tag me (@bulletjournalbychloe) and Archer and Olive (@archerandolive) in any of your recreations and use the hashtag #AOShare #archerandolive! Have fun exercising! 

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